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Awards @ TWDI
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When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend.
- U.S. Marine Corps

What is Happening

A meeting of the War Decorated Trust was held on Thursday at Chandigarh. The following Trustees were present:

  • Brig Sant Singh, MVC** (in the Chair)
  • Brig NS Sandhu, MVC
  • Brig KS Chandpuri, MVC, VSM
  • Capt Reet MP Singh, VrC

Discussion centered around passing the audited accounts for the year 2012-2013 and the Scholarship Scheme of the Trust.




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Awardee Name: Service: Medal:
Name: Nb Sub Ganga Ram
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1961 Vijay - Goa Liberation
Date of Award: 13 Sep 1961
Gazette Notification: 19 Pres 62, 26-1-62
Ganga Ram was leading section of a company on an enemy position at Radio Katanga in Congo on 13 September 1961. The assault came under heavy enemy fire. Undaunted, Naik Ganga Pam charged the enemy position and with complete disregard for his
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Name: L/Nk Ganga Ram
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: Op Savage (Sikkim)
Date of Award: 26 Jan 1988
Gazette Notification: 35 Pres/88, 22-1-88
Lance Naik Ganga Ram was deployed in Sri Lanka as part of the Indian Peace Keeping Force. He was part of the assault team tasked to raid and destroy the militants' headquarters in the heart of Jaffna town on 12 October 1987. Unmindful of his
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Name: Hony Capt Ganga Singh
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 14 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 94 Pres/72,19-8-72
On 14 December 1971, Sepoy Ganga Singh was the light machine gunner with a company of the Kumaon Regiment, which was assigned the task of assaulting Maynamati Cantonment in the Eastern Sector. The company was pinned down due to
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Name: Gp Capt Gangadhar Rangnath Railkar
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1965 Riddle
Date of Award: 22 Sep 1965
Gazette Notification: 72 Pres 66, 30-9-66
Flight Lieutenant Gangadhar Rangnath Railkar was a navigator in a photo reconnaissance squadron. During the September 1965 operations, he undertook several missions and obtained vital information about enemy dispositions. He always volunteered for the most difficult sorties and flew
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Name: Maj Gautam Shasikumar Khot
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: Vijay - Kargil
Date of Award: 26 Jan 2000
Gazette Notification: 63 Pres/2000, 26.1.2000
Major Gautam Shasikumar Khot moved to 'Operation Vijay' area on 5 July 1999. In a short span of time, he had flown almost 70 hours, piloting helicopters in difficult high altitude areas in trying weather conditions, landing at unprepared helipads and saving many lives of his comrades at
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Name: Flt Lt GB Gabral (now deceased)
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: Op Savage (Sikkim)
Date of Award: 20 Nov 1950
Gazette Notification: 14 Pres 50, 20-11-50
(No Citation)
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Name: Asst Comdt GB Valankar
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 01 Jan 1971
Gazette Notification: 94 Pres/72,19-8-72
Assistant company Commander G B Valankar led his company with courage and confidence in their advance in the Eastern Sector. The advance was held up by stiff resistance from an enemy post, which was well fortified and held in strength by elements of the Pakistan Special Service
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Name: Flt Lt GC Wilks
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: Op Savage (Sikkim)
Date of Award: 20 Nov 1950
Gazette Notification: 14 Pres 50, 20-11-50
(No Citation)
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Name: Gp Capt GD Clarke
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: Op Savage (Sikkim)
Date of Award: 20 Nov 1950
Gazette Notification: 14 Pres 50, 20-11-50
(No Citation)
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Name: Cdr George Martis
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: Op Savage (Sikkim)
Date of Award: 10 Jan 1972
Gazette Notification: 86 Pres/72 15-7-72
During the operations against Pakistan in December 1971, Lieutenant Commander George Martis was the leader of naval force, which operated off the coast of enemy held territories in Bangladesh. He was called upon to operate his unit inside enemy held territory to provide information
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Name: PA Nk Ghama Oraon
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: Op Savage (Sikkim)
Date of Award: 26 Jan 1991
Gazette Notification: 55 Pres/91, 26-1-91
While operating as the leading scout of a subsidiary column forming part of the operation Silver Fish conducted to search-and destroy militants in the dense jungles of Rugam, Sri Lanka, on 4 August, 1989, Sepoy Ghama Oraon encountered four militants armed with lethal weapons. The
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Name: Nb Sub Ghan Bahadur Sahi
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1965 Riddle
Date of Award: 01 Sep 1965
Gazette Notification: 72 Pres,66,30-9-66
On 1 September 1965, a company of Gorkha Rifles, while proceeding to Sonemarg, was ambushed by Pakistani infiltrators. While one of its platoons was chasing the enemy uphill, an enemy LMG halted its further advance for a while. Rifleman Ghan Bahadur Sahi, who was in the right
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Name: Air Cmde Ghanshyam Singh Thapa
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 04 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 92 Pres/72,27-1-72
During the operations against Pakistan in December 1971, Squadron Leader Ghanshyam Singh Thapa served with a bomber squadron. He was the lead navigator of a formation of four bombers that carried out the first bombing attack deep into enemy territory on the well-defended
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Name: L/Nk Ghulam Mohd Khan
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: Op Savage (Sikkim)
Date of Award: 01 Jan 1999
Gazette Notification: 113Pres/98,15-8-99
On 07 June 1999, Lance Naik Ghulam Mohd Khan of 12 Jammu & Kashmir Light Infantry was Rocket Launcher Number 1 of Alfa Company which was tasked to capture Point 5203 in the Kargil Sector, a feature strongly held by the
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Name: L/Hav Gian Chand
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 15 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 77 Pres/72,17-6-72
Lance Havildar Gian Chand was a platoon commander in a battalion of Rajput Regiment, which had put up a roadblock in an area in the Eastern Sector. The enemy made repeated attempts to dislodge our troops from the roadblock by bringing down
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Name: Sep Gian Singh
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1948 Polo - Hyderabad
Date of Award: 29 May 1948
Gazette Notification: 2 Pres 50, 26-1-50
On 29 May 1948, a company of I Para Punjab was defending two ridges in J&K. The enemy launched repeated attacks at dawn on 20 May under cover of heavy MMG and mortar fire and crept up within 50 yards of the forward platoon position. Sepoy Gian Singh was
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Name: Sub Gian Singh
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1948 Polo - Hyderabad
Date of Award: 25 Nov 1948
Gazette Notification: 10 Pres 52,26-1-52
Lance Naik Gian Singh was the Bren-gunner of the forward section of his platoon. On 25 November 1948, the section was advancing to capture a hill feature. The enemy position was very close and the axis of advance was only over a ridge. There was
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Name: L/Nk Gian Singh
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1948 Polo - Hyderabad
Date of Award: 25 Nov 1948
Gazette Notification: 34 Pres 57, 15-8-57
On 25 November 1948, Lance Naik Gian Singh was in the foremost section of a column which was advancing on a hill feature in Poonch. Advance towards the enemy position lay over a narrow ridge with a deep fall on either side and there was an enemy light
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Name: Nk Gian Singh
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1961 Vijay - Goa Liberation
Date of Award: 13 Sep 1961
Gazette Notification: 19 Pres 62, 26-1-62
On 13 September 1961, Lance Naik Gian Singh was second-in-command of a section in Elizabethville in Congo, which had been ordered to clear the post office building of the gendarmerie. In the action, a burst from an enemy light machine gun hit
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Name: Nb Sub Gian Singh
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: Op Savage (Sikkim)
Date of Award: 23 May 1972
Gazette Notification: 37 Pres 73,16-6-73
Naib Subedar Gian Singh was on a patrol in the Amritsar Sector. The enemy opened up with heavy automatic and small arms fire. In utter disregard of his personal safety, he rushed forward and started returning the fire from behind the cover of a raised
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Name: Col Gilbert Anthony Wright
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1948 Polo - Hyderabad
Date of Award: 06 May 1948
Gazette Notification: 2 Pres 50, 26-1-50
On 6 May 1948, starting at dusk, a company of2 Punjab under Major GA Wright advanced to climb a dominating feature in the Kalal Ridge through broken precipitous and mountainous country. After a non-stop advance throughout the night, the company reached within the enemy stronghold
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Name: Hav Girdhari Lal
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1965 May - Ablaze
Date of Award: 16 May 1965
Gazette Notification: 15 Pres. 66,1-1-66
On 16 May, 1965, in the Kargil Sector in J & K our troops were ordered to capture a dominating feature held by the enemy forces in depth, from where they were bringing down accurate 3 inch mortar, light machine gun and small arms fire on the leading troops. Without regard for
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Name: Lt Col Girdhari Singh
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1948 Polo - Hyderabad
Date of Award: 26 Feb 1948
Gazette Notification: 10 Pres 52,26-1-52
From December 1947 to March 1948, Lieutenant Colonel Girdhari Singh was commanding a unit at Chhamb, which was in an isolated position and situated very close to the Pakistan border. The enemy made all out efforts to capture this
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Name: L/Nk Gobardhan Adhikari
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 15 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 77 Pres/72,17-6-72
On 15 December 1971, a company of Gorkha Rifles was mopping up the enemy in an area in the Eastern Sector. Lance Naik Gobardhan Adhikari commanding a section was given the task of driving out the enemy from some built-up-area. While advancing, his section came under fire of a
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Name: Brig Gobind Singh Sharma
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1961 Vijay - Goa Liberation
Date of Award: 05 Dec 1961
Gazette Notification: 58 Pres 62,10-9-62
On 5 December 1961, a company 311 GR commanded by Major Gobind Singh Sharma was ordered to clear an enemy road block at a vital communication centre in the Congo. The enemy was occupying well dug-in positions and was supported by heavy medium machine guns and
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PVC : 21
MVC : 219
VrC : 1317
Air Force : 224
Army : 1249
BSF : 13
Civillian : 3
CRPF : 1
Navy : 67

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