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Awards @ TWDI
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When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend.
- U.S. Marine Corps

What is Happening

A meeting of the War Decorated Trust was held on Thursday at Chandigarh. The following Trustees were present:

  • Brig Sant Singh, MVC** (in the Chair)
  • Brig NS Sandhu, MVC
  • Brig KS Chandpuri, MVC, VSM
  • Capt Reet MP Singh, VrC

Discussion centered around passing the audited accounts for the year 2012-2013 and the Scholarship Scheme of the Trust.




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Awardee Name: Service: Medal:
Name: Gp Capt Gursaran Singh Ahluwalia
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 06 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 92 Pres/72,27-1-72
During the operations against Pakistan in December 1971, Squadron Leader Gursaran Singh Ahluwalia was the senior flight commander of a bomber squadron. He was largely responsible for the planning, tactics, weapon delivery system and overall supervision in the
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Name: Sqn Ldr Hamir Singh
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 14 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 37 Pres 73,16-6-73
On the night of 13 December 1971, Captain Hamir Singh was commanding a company of Grenadiers during the successful attack of Daruchhian in the Western Sector. He moved forward with his company to exploit his success, but soon came under heavy automatic fire from enemy bunkers
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Name: Sqn Ldr Hamir Singh Mangat
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1965 Riddle
Date of Award: 06 Sep 1965
Gazette Notification: 133 Pres/65, 22-9-65
During the operations against Pakistan, Flight Lieutenant Hamir Singh Mangat, navigator in an operational bomber squadron, successfully navigated by day and night a number of leader and marker aircraft on hazardous offensive and tactical close support missions deep into enemy
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Name: AVM Harbans Perminder Singh
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 05 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 92 Pres/72, 29-7-72
During the operations against Pakistan in December 1971, Flight Lieutenant Harbans Perminder Singh was serving with a bomber squadron. On 5 December, he was detailed on a mission to raid an enemy airfield involving deep penetration into enemy territory, which had adequate radar
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Name: Air Cmde Harcharan Singh Mangat (now deceased)
Award: Mahavir Chakra (MVC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 17 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 20 Pres/72,12-2-72
As the commanding officer of fighter bomber squadron, wing Commander Harcharan Singh Mangat, undertook a number of Interdiction and close support missions as also many reconnaissance sorties, deep into enemy territory bringing information of great value to the Army and the Air Force
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Name: Gp Capt Harish Masand
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 04 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 92 Pres/72, 29-7-72
On 4 December 1971, Flying Officer Harish Masand was No. 3 in a three aircraft strike mission for attacking an enemy airfield. Just short of the target, the formation was intercepted by two Pakistani Sabre aircraft. In the ensuing dogfight, he shot down one Sabre aircraft. He also
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Name: Wg Cdr Harser Singh Gill
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 13 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 74 Pres74,26-1-74
During the operations against Pakistan in December 1971, Wing Commander Harser Singh Gill led several operational missions on air defence, close support, and counter air operations during the period from 3 to 13 December. His squadron shot down
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Name: Gp Capt Hemanth Sharat Kumar Sardesai
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 06 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 92 Pres/72, 29-7-72
During the operations against Pakistan in December 1971, Flight Lieutenant Hemant Sharat Kumar Sardesai was serving with a fighter squadron in the Eastern Sector. From 3 to 16 December, he flew 11 sorties of an offensive nature. In one of the missions, he was responsible for locating
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Name: ACM Hrushikesh Moolgavkar (retd)
Award: Mahavir Chakra (MVC)
Operation: 1947 Indo Pak Kashmir War
Date of Award: 08 Dec 1951
Gazette Notification: 59 Pres/51,1.12.51
As the local commander of the Air Force during operations in Kashmir, Wing Commander H. Moolgavkar did outstanding service on the ground and in the air. He personally led and directed bombing attack on the well defended Skardu, Uri, Zojila Pass and Saadabad sector. The Uri sector, in
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Name: Wg Cdr Inderjeet Singh Parmar
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1965 Riddle
Date of Award: 14 Sep 1965
Gazette Notification: 24 Pres 66, 26-1-66
During the operations against Pakistan in 1965, Squadron Leader Inderjeet Singh Parmar carried out 16 operational sorties, of which seven were low-level reconnaissance missions over enemy concentrations. During these missions, he operated at the extreme limits of the aircraft's radius of
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Name: Air Cmde Iqbal Singh Bindra
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 17 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 92 Pres/72,27-1-72
During the operations against Pakistan in December 1971, Squadron Leader lqbal Singh Bindra was commanding a detachment of a fighter bomber squadron at a forward airfield. On 17 December, while on a combat air patrol, he spotted one enemy
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Name: Wg Cdr Jag Mohan Nath (retd)
Award: Mahavir Chakra (MVC)
Operation: 1962 Leg Horn
Date of Award: 01 Jan 1962
Gazette Notification: 15 Pres/63,26-1-63
As flight commander of an operational squadron, Squadron Leader Jag Mohan Nath carried out a number of hazardous operational tasks involving flying over difficult mountain terrain, both by day and by night, in adverse weather conditions and incomplete disregard of his personal safety. He
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Name: Wg Cdr Jag Mohan Nath (retd)
Award: Mahavir Chakra (MVC)
Operation: 1965 Riddle
Date of Award: 01 Sep 1965
Gazette Notification: 10 Pres/66,1-1-1966
During the operations against Pakistan, Squadron Leader Jag Mohan Nath, commanding officer of a Canberra unit, undertook several missions over enemy territory, entailing unescorted long-distance daylight flying over well-defended airfields and installations. Although, fully aware of the
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Name: Wg Cdr Jagdamba Prasad Saklani
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 17 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 92 Pres/72, 29-7-72
During the operations against Pakistan in December 1971, Flight Lieutenant Jagdamba Prasad Saklani, as pilot of a fighter bomber squadron, flew thirteen operational missions In support of our ground forces. In addition to destruction of four tanks and one jeep, he attacked an airfield
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Name: Wg Cdr Jai Singh Gahlawat (retd)
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 10 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 92 Pres/72, 29-7-72
On 5 December 1971, Flying Officer Jai Singh Gahlawat carried out a strike in the Kathua Sector and destroyed a bridge. On 7 December, while on a close support mission, he destroyed a number of enemy tanks. During one of his missions, his aircraft was hit by
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Name: Sqn Ldr Jal Maniksha Mistry
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 05 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 79 Pres/72,17-6-72
During the operations against Pakistan in December 1971, Squadron Leader Jal Maniksha Mistry was a senior pilot in a fighter bomber squadron. On 4 December he carried out a counter air penetration mission to Kohat and caused extensive damage to the airfield. On 5 December, when he
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Name: Sqn Ldr Jasbeer Singh
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1965 Riddle
Date of Award: 07 Sep 1965
Gazette Notification: 15 Pres. 66,1-1-66
Squadron Leader Jasbeer Singh was a Flight commander in a fighter squadron operating in the Western Sector during the operations against Pakistan. On 7 September 1965, he led a strike mission against a high-powered Pakistani radar unit near the
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Name: AVM Jasbir Singh
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 06 Sep 1971
Gazette Notification: 92 Pres/72,27-1-72
During the operations against Pakistan in December 1971, Squadron Leader Jasbir Singh was a senior pilot of a fighter bomber squadron. On 6 December, he carried out a tactical reconnaissance mission deep behind the enemy lines in the
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Name: Air Cmde Jasjit Singh
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 17 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 92 Pres/72,27-1-72
During the operations against Pakistan in December 1971 Squadron Leader Jasjit Singh flew a number of operational missions over heavily defended enemy areas. In spite of heavy ground opposition, he pressed home his attacks and
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Name: Sqn Ldr Jiwa Singh
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 07 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 79 Pres/72,17-6-72
During the hostilities with Pakistan in December 1971, Squadron Leader Jiwa Singh led a formation to search and strike enemy tanks and troops which were engaging our ground forces. He successfully located the hidden tank positions and pressed home his
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Name: Air Mrshl Johny William Greene
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1965 Riddle
Date of Award: 03 Sep 1965
Gazette Notification: 15 Pres. 66,1-1-66
In the initial stages of operations against Pakistan, Squadron Leader Johnny William Greene led missions of Gnats repeatedly into the Chhamb Sector where the enemy was using missile equipped F-86 Sabre and F-104 Star fighters. On 3 and 4 September 1965, the formations led by
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Name: Gp Capt Kalyan Kumar Dutta
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 17 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 92 Pres/72,27-1-72
During the operations against Pakistan in Dec. 1971 Squadron Leader Kalyan Kumar Dutta, as navigation leader of a Bomber Squadron, played a key role in the successful performance of the squadron. The entire missions and the route missions for the Squadron were
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Name: Air Cmde Kariyadil Cheriyan Kuruvilla
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 06 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 37 Pres 73,16-6-73
During the operations against Pakistan in December 1971, Flying Officer Kariyadil Cheriyan Kuruvilla served with a fighter bomber squadron in the Western Sector. On 4 December, he carried out a strike mission over Chander airfield and successfully attacked enemy aircraft on ground and
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Name: Wg Cdr Keshev Chandra Aggarwal
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 09 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 75 Pres/72, 17-6-72
During the hostilities with Pakistan in December 1971, Wing Commander Keshev Chandra Aggarwal was in command of an operational fighter squadron. He led a number of operational missions against enemy armour and troop concentrations in support
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Name: Wg Cdr Kirpal Singh (retd)
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 17 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 92 Pres/72,27-1-72
During the operations against Pakistan in December 1971, Squadron Leader Kirpal Singh, with utter disregard for his safety, carried out 9 successful operational sorties in the face of stiff enemy air and ground opposition. The information obtained from these sorties proved of great
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PVC : 21
MVC : 219
VrC : 1317
Air Force : 224
Army : 1249
BSF : 13
Civillian : 3
CRPF : 1
Navy : 67

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