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query: INSERT INTO watchdog
(uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp)
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Name: Hony Capt Bhrigunath Singh
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 07 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 94 Pres/72,19-8-72
Naib Subedar Bhrigunath Singh was a platoon commander in a battalion of Brigade of Guards which was assigned the task of capturing a strongly held area In the Kargil Sector. During the attack his platoon, which was leading the assault, was held up due to
Name: Brig Bhupal Singh Chand
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: Op Savage (Sikkim)
Date of Award: 01 Jan 1950
Gazette Notification: 2 Pres 50, 26-1-50
On 9 April 1948, Major Bhupal Singh Chand was in command of a company which was ordered to capture a dominating feature near village Chakli in J&K. When his company was just 200 yards short of the objective, the enemy opened up with all kinds of weapons and
Name: Rfn Bhupal Singh Negi
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1948 Polo - Hyderabad
Date of Award: 18 May 1948
Gazette Notification: 2 Pres 50, 26-1-50
(No Citation)
Name: Nk Bhupal Singh Pundhir
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1948 Polo - Hyderabad
Date of Award: 17 Jun 1948
Gazette Notification: 2 Pres 50, 26-1-50
On 18 May 1948 two companies of 3 Royal Garhwal Rifles were ordered to attack and capture the Trahgam Ridge in J&K. During the attack, a Bren gunner in Rifleman Bhupal Singh's section was killed. Realising the danger to his platoon, he crawled forward and took over the Bren and kept on
Name: Lt Col Bhupinder Kumar Vaid
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1965 Riddle
Date of Award: 08 Sep 1965
Gazette Notification: 132 Pres 65,17-9-65
On 8 September 1965,2nd Lieutenant Bhupinder Kumar Vaid was performing the duties of observation post officer with a regiment operating in the Sialkot Sector. The OP tank was moving along with other elements ofthe regiment when a fierce tank-to-tank battle started. 2nd Lieutenant
Name: Maj Bhupinder Singh
Award: Mahavir Chakra (MVC)
Operation: 1965 Riddle
Date of Award: 11 Oct 1965
Gazette Notification: 127 Pres/65,16-10-65
Major Bhupinder Singh of Hodson's Horse led his squadron with distinction in the battle of Phillora and Sordreke in Pakistan between 11 and 19 September 1965. With skilful deployment and bold action, his squadron was able to cause large-scale destruction of Pakistani tanks
Name: Col Bikal Kishan Das Badgel
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 06 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 94 Pres/72,19-8-72
Major Bikal lshan Das Badge1 was company commander in a battalion of 11th Gorkha Rifles on 8 December 1971 during the attack on an enemy post in an area in the Eastern Sector. Undeterred by heavy and accurate small arms fire and
Name: Sub Maj (Hony Capt) Bir Bahadur Pun (retd)
Award: Mahavir Chakra (MVC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 04 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 18 Pres/72,12-2-72
Havildar Bir Bahadur Pun was in a company of 1 GR who were given the task of capturing village Chandpur, east of Darsana, on the Eastern Front, on 4 December 1971. The assaulting troops came under heavy enemy artillery and small arms fire resulting in heavy casualties to our troops. On
Name: Nk Bir Singh
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1948 Polo - Hyderabad
Date of Award: 20 May 1948
Gazette Notification: 2 Pres 50, 26-1-50
(No Citation)
Name: Nk Birbal Ram
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1948 Polo - Hyderabad
Date of Award: 11 Feb 1948
Gazette Notification: 2 Pres 50, 26-1-50
On 11 February 1948, Naik Birbal Ram was section commander when at 1530 hrs he was ordered to reoccupy a feature. His No 1 Bren gunner, Lance Naik Ladhu Ram, was wounded and fell down. The enemy was rushing forward and seeing the position
Name: Sep Birdha Ram
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 15 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 77 Pres/72,17-6-72
Sepoy Birdha Ram was a member of the crew of the recoilless gun detachment of a battalion of Rajput Regiment, which had established a roadblock behind the enemy, defences in an area in the Eastern Sector. On 15 December 1971, the enemy made
Name: Maj Birendra Singh
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: Op Savage (Sikkim)
Date of Award: 26 Jan 1988
Gazette Notification: 35 Pres/88, 22-1-88
Major Birendra Singh was Officer Commanding Delta Company of the 13th Battalion, the Sikh Light Infantry during IPKF operations in Sri Lanka. Soon after the battalion touched down at the Palai airfield on 11 October 1987, it was tasked to undertake a
Name: Sub Bishan Singh
Award: Mahavir Chakra (MVC)
Operation: 1947 Indo Pak Kashmir War
Date of Award: 12 Dec 1947
Gazette Notification: 2 Pres 50, 26.1.50
On 12 December 1947 at Uri, a battalion of Sikh Regiment was out on a patrol. At about 1340 hours the battalion bumped the enemy in strength and a fierce hand-to-hand fight took place. During the withdrawal, Subedar Bishan Singh was second in charge of a company, which was holding
Name: Hav Bisheshwar Singh
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 13 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 94 Pres/72,19-8-72
On December 1971, a battalion of Rajput Regiment was ordered to capture an enemy position in the Eastern Sector. The attack of one of the companies was held up due to heavy and accurate fire from an enemy machine gun bunker located on
Name: L/Hav Bishnu Bahadur Thapa
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: Op Savage (Sikkim)
Date of Award: 03 Jul 1988
Gazette Notification: 33 Pres/90, 26-1-90
Lance Havildar Bishnu Bahadur Thapawas a section commander during search operation in area viswamadu in Sri Lanka from L2 nd to 3rd July 1988. As his section was approaching general area Viswamadu, it came under a heavy fire ofAK-47, G-3 rifles and hand grenades. The fire was so
Name: Lt Bonala Vijaya Raghunandan Rao
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1965 Riddle
Date of Award: 16 Sep 1965
Gazette Notification: 72 Pres,66,30-9-66
Lieutenant BVR Rao was commanding a company of Gorkha Rifles, which was ordered to carry out an attack on enemy positions in the Akhnoor-Chhamb Sector. The enemy closed in from all sides trying to cut off the route of withdrawal. Lieutenant Rao immediately organised covering fire for
Name: Nk Boota Singh
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 11 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 94 Pres/72,19-8-72
Sepoy Boota Singh was with a company of a battalion of Sikh Light Infantry which was deployed in an area in the Western Sector. The company after capturing an area was in the process of reorganisation when the enemy launched a counter-attack supported
Name: Hony Capt Brahma Nand
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 05 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 73 Pres72, 17-6-72
5 December 1971, Risaldar Brahma Nand, commanding a troop of a squadron of cavalry, was guarding the Mandiala crossing in the Chhamb Sector. His troop was heavily attacked by enemy armour and infantry, but he held onto his position foiling all
Name: Hony Capt Brajendra Chandra Roy
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1962 Leg Horn
Date of Award: 20 Oct 1962
Gazette Notification: 56 Pres 63, 22-7-63
Subedar Brajendra Chandra Roy was in charge of a company of Rajput Regiment at a bridge in the Dhola area in NEFA. On 20 October 1962, the Chinese began intensive shelling on this company. Disregarding his personal safety, he went from one platoon position to another encouraging
Name: Gdsm Brij Lal
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 14 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 194 Pres 72,16-12-72
Guardsman Brij Lal was the wireless operator with a platoon of Brigade of Guards, which was assigned the task of clearing an enemy patrol entrenched in its patrol base in the Sialkot Sector. As the platoon was closing in, a medium machine gun opened up
Name: Nk Brij Mohan Singh
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: Op Savage (Sikkim)
Date of Award: 26 Jan 2000
Gazette Notification: 63 Pres/2000, 26.1.2000
Naik Brij Mohan Singh was the squad Commander of "Charlie" team 9 PARA (Special Forces) which was asked to capture an objective called "Sando Top" in Mashkoh sub Sector of Kargil in Jammu & Kashmir on the night June 30101 July 1999. The 30-member team was
Name: Sub Brijendra Singh
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 04 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 94 Pres/72,19-8-72
Subedar Brijendra Singh was the second in command of a company of a battalion of Jat Regiment, which was assigned the task of recapturing a village in the Western Sector. This village was held in strength by the enemy and was dominated by their
Name: Col Brijpal Singh
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1948 Polo - Hyderabad
Date of Award: 06 Feb 1948
Gazette Notification: 7 Pres 50,21-6-50
On 6 February 1948, the enemy in overwhelming numbers attacked one of our key positions in Naushera in J&K. Major Brijpal Singh, who was in charge of a picquet with only two platoons under him, repulsed the attacks
Name: Sep Bua Ditta Singh
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: Op Savage (Sikkim)
Date of Award: 16 Jul 1946
Gazette Notification: 2 Pres 50, 26-1-50
(No Citation)
Name: Sep Budh Ram
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1948 Polo - Hyderabad
Date of Award: 06 Feb 1948
Gazette Notification: 17 Pres 5011-12-50
On 6 February 1948, at Tain Dhar near Naushera, Sepoy Budh Ram was No. 2 of the 2-in mortar on a picquet, which was attacked by over 2000 strong enemy. The mortar ammunition had run short due to the momentum of the battle. Sepoy Budh Ram immediately