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Awards @ TWDI
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When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend.
- U.S. Marine Corps

What is Happening

A meeting of the War Decorated Trust was held on Thursday at Chandigarh. The following Trustees were present:

  • Brig Sant Singh, MVC** (in the Chair)
  • Brig NS Sandhu, MVC
  • Brig KS Chandpuri, MVC, VSM
  • Capt Reet MP Singh, VrC

Discussion centered around passing the audited accounts for the year 2012-2013 and the Scholarship Scheme of the Trust.




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Awardee Name: Service: Medal:
Name: Flt Lt Samar Bikram Shah
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 16 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 92 Pres/72, 29-7-72
During the operations against Pakistan in December 1971, Flight Lieutenant Samar Bikram Shah was serving with a fighter bomber squadron. On 16 December he was detailed to escort an offensive sweep mission. As leader of the escort, he substantially helped the mission in accomplishing
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Name: Wg Cdr Sanjay Kumar Choudhury
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 08 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 92 Pres/72,27-1-72
During the operations against Pakistan in December 1971, Squadron Leader Sanjay Kumar Choudhury was posted in the Eastern Sector. On the night of 7 December, a special heliborne operation was undertaken for landing a battalion at Sylhet, which was at that
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Name: Wg Cdr Sankaranarayanan Balasubramanian
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 05 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 92 Pres/72, 29-7-72
During the operations against Pakistan in December 1971, Flying Officer Sankaranarayanan Balasubramanian was serving as a pilot with a fighter bomber squadron. On 4 and 5 December, he flew deep day penetration operational
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Name: Wg Cdr Satish Chandra Sharma
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 09 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 126 pres 72,16-12-72
During the operations against Pakistan in December 1971, Flying Officer Satish Chandra Sharma was attached to a brigade in the Eastern Sector for duty. On 7 December, he accompanied a company airlifted by helicopters to a site behind the enemy occupied area at Sylhet. Under heavy
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Name: Wg Cdr Satish Nandan Bansal
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1965 May - Ablaze
Date of Award: 14 Sep 1965
Gazette Notification: 15 Pres. 66,1-1-66
On 13 and 14 September 1965, a massive bomber raid was mounted against Peshawar airfield. Squadron Leader Satish Nandan Bansal was selected to lead and mark the target. The target was so deep in the heart of enemy territory that the
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Name: Wg Cdr SB Noronha (now deceased)
Award: Mahavir Chakra (MVC)
Operation: Op Savage (Sikkim)
Date of Award: 26 Jan 1950
Gazette Notification: 2Pres/50, 26-1-50
By completing more than 37 operational sorties over enemy strongholds in close support of the Indian Army. Wing Commander S.B. Noronha has shown outstanding gallantry. He carried out the squadron's offensive role with maximum success in the face of adverse
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Name: AVM Sharadchandra Naresh Deshpande
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1965 Riddle
Date of Award: 01 Sep 1965
Gazette Notification: 15 Pres. 66,1-1-66
Flight Lieutenant Sharad chandra Naresh Deshpande was serving on the instructional staff of the jet bomber conversion unit as a navigation instructor when hostilities broke out between India and Pakistan. He volunteered for operational duties and
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Name: Wg Cdr Shivinder Singh Bains
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 17 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 92 Pres/72,27-1-72
During the operations against Pakistan in December 1971, as a pilot in a fighter squadron, Flight Lt. Shivinder Singh Bains flew fourteen operational missions in the Poonch, Uri and Kargil Sectors in close support of our
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Name: Wg Cdr Shri Krishna Singh
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1965 Riddle
Date of Award: 06 Sep 1965
Gazette Notification: 15 Pres. 66,1-1-66
Squadron Leader Shri Krishna Singh was in charge of the ground defence and security arrangements of an airfield when hostilities started with Pakistan. On 6 September 1965, over 60 Pakistani paratroopers, equipped with modern weapons and equipment, were airdropped in the vicinity
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Name: AVM Sindhaghatta Subbaramu
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 17 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 92 Pres/72,27-1-72
During the operations against Pakistan in December 1971, Squadron Leader Sindhaghatta Subbaramu flew 32 missions of combat air patrol, escort and interception. He flew these sorties in adverse weather conditions and in pitch dark in the vicinity of hilly areas. During every escort
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Name: Gp Capt Sube Singh Malik
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1965 Riddle
Date of Award: 01 Sep 1965
Gazette Notification: 15 Pres. 66,1-1-66
Squadron Leader Sube Singh Malik was engaged in operations against Pakistan as a flight commander of a Hunter squadron. He caused extensive damage and destruction to enemy tanks, vehicles and troops. He pressed home his attacks with determination and courage in spite of
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Name: Sqn Ldr Subodh Chandra Mamgain
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1965 Riddle
Date of Award: 07 Sep 1965
Gazette Notification: 131 Pres/65, 10.5.65
On 7 September 1965, when Kalaikunda airfield was attacked by six Pakistani Sabre jets, Flying Officer Subodh Mamgain, who was flying as 'wingman' in a section on combat air patrol, followed his leader to intercept them immediately. Although the enemy aircraft were superior in
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Name: Air Cmde Sudarshan Handa
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1965 Riddle
Date of Award: 07 Sep 1965
Gazette Notification: 131 Pres/65, 10.5.65
On 7 September 1965, a formation of four Mystere aircraft led by Squadron Leader Sudarshan Handa took off for an operational mission and flying at a height of only 50 to 100 feet above ground level penetrated into Pakistan territory. Squadron Leader Handa led the formation accurately to
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Name: Wg Cdr Sudesh Kumar Dahar (now deceased)
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1965 Riddle
Date of Award: 01 Sep 1965
Gazette Notification: 15 Pres. 66,1-1-66
Squadron Leader Sudesh Kumar Dahar was the leader of a Vampire force which went in action on 1 September 1965 in the Chhamb Sector, where a Pakistani force had crossed the border and attacked our positions with heavy armour: Squadron Leader Dahar led the
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Name: Fg Offr Sudhir Tyagi
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 04 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 74 Pres74,26-1-74
On 4 December 1971, Flying Officer Sudhir Tyagi was No.2 in a two-aircraft strike mission over Murid airfield. When attacking the enemy airfield, he spotted an enemy aircraft close on the tail ofthe leader of the mission. He engaged the aircraft and shot it down. An enemy Mirage and two
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Name: Wg Cdr Sukhdev Singh Dhillon
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 17 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 92 Pres/72, 29-7-72
During the operations against Pakistan in December 1971, Flying Officer Sukhdev Singh Dhillon flew as a pilot in a helicopter unit and single-handedly evacuated 87 battle casualties from the most difficult and hazardous terrain of the Kargil sector in
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Name: Gp Capt Sukrutaraj Jayandra
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 16 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 92 Pres/72, 29-7-72
During the operations against Pakistan in December 1971, Flight Lieutenant Sukrutaraj Jayandra was serving with a fighter bomber squadron in the Eastern Sector. While escorting a formation of four aircraft proceeding to Tezgaon airfield, he was number two in
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Name: Air Cmde Surapati Bhattacharya
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1965 Riddle
Date of Award: 12 Sep 1965
Gazette Notification: 15 Pres. 66,1-1-66
Wing Commander Surapati Bhattacharya was the commander of an operational fighter squadron in the Western Sector in September 1965. He led a large number of missions against enemy armour and troop concentrations in close support
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Name: Wg Cdr Suresh Damodar Karnik
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 18 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 92 Pres/72,27-1-72
During the operations against Pakistan in December 1971, Squadron Leader Suresh Damodar Karnik served as flight commander of a bomber squadron. He flew six very important and difficult missions, by day as well as by night, in the Western and Eastern Sectors. These missions
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Name: Flt Lt Surinder Singh Malhotra
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 12 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 92 Pres/72,27-1-72
During the operations against Pakistan, on 12 December 1971, Flight Lieutenant Surinder Singh Malhotra was detailed to carry out a photo reconnaissance mission over Risalwala airfield deep inside enemy territory. He noticed two enemy Mig- 19s over the
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Name: Wg Cdr Surya Kant Badhwar
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1962 Leg Horn
Date of Award: 04 Oct 1962
Gazette Notification: 71 Pres. 62,12-11-62
One of our Army posts in Ladakh, having been surrounded by Chinese invaders, had to depend solely on air support. On 4 October 1962, Squadron Leader Surya Kant Badhwar and Flight Lieutenant Narayanan flew several sorties to carry
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Name: ACM Swaroop Krishna Kaul (retd)
Award: Mahavir Chakra (MVC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 30 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 20 Pres/72,12-2-72
Wing Commander S.K. Kaul, commanding fighter bomber squadron, carried out from mission deep into enemy territories to cover the heavily defended sectors of Comilla, Sylhet and Saidpur. His missions involved photographing certain areas, which were badly needed in order to finalise
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Name: Wg Cdr Syed Iqbal Ali
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1965 Riddle
Date of Award: 12 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 92 Pres/72,27-1-72
During the operations against Pakistan in December 1971, Flight Lieutenant Syed lqbal Ali was serving in a fighter bombersquadron. He flew a number of operational missions and destroyed nine tanks, eight vehicles, a gun position, a fuel dump, one building, one watch tower and a fuel
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Name: Air Mrshl Syed Shahid Hussain Naqvi
Award: Mahavir Chakra (MVC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 09 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 92 Pres/72, 29-7-72
During the operations against Pakistan in December 1971, Flight Lieutenant Syed Shahid Hussain Naqvi was serving with a fighter squadron. He flew nineteen missions deep into enemy territory. On 9 December, while on visual tactical reconnaissance mission in an area in the Western
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Name: Wg Cdr Tej Prakash Singh Gill (now deceased)
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1965 Riddle
Date of Award: 19 Sep 1965
Gazette Notification: 15 Pres. 66,1-1-66
During the operations against Pakistan, Squadron Leader Tej Prakash Singh Gill led missions in support of our ground forces in the Sialkot, Chhamb, Lahore and Kasur Sectors. He took part in as many as 21 ground attacks. On 21 September 1965, he encountered a
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PVC : 21
MVC : 219
VrC : 1317
Air Force : 224
Army : 1249
BSF : 13
Civillian : 3
CRPF : 1
Navy : 67

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