Vir Chakra (VrC)
Awardee: Wg Cdr Rajbir Singh, VrC
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Gazette Notification: 37Pres/88 , 15-4-88
Operation: 1987 Pawan Sri Lanka
Date of Award: 03 Nov 1987
Squadron Leader Rajbir Singh served with the Indian Air Force element of the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) in Sri Lanka. On 3 November 1987, Squadron Leader Singh was detailed to strike the militants' strongholds which were impeding the advance of a Para Commando Regiment towards Mulai. On reaching the area he was directed to attack a stronghold which was heavily defended with heavy machine guns. Inspite of heavy ground fire, he carried out repeated front gun attacks with deadly accuracy. During this third attack on a machine gun nest, the aircraft was hit by ground fire. After pulling out of the attack, he noticed that the left engine was damaged and had heavy oil leak. He immediately switched off the left engine and established flight on a single engine to avoid engine fire. Though the aircraft was heavily loaded with ammunition he decided not to jettison the much-needed armament stores. Squadron Leader Rajbir Singh realised that he was flying over a very hostile area and a forced landing would result in capture by the militants. He kept absolutely calm, and nursed the aircraft back in a very professional manner. He tried to contact base on Radio Telephony but the radio set also had been damaged to ground fire. In spite of heavy traffic over base, he landed the aircraft on a single engine, without causing any damage to the aircraft.
Squadron Leader Rajbir Singh thus displayed conspicuous gallantry and professional competence in the face of the militants ground fire.
Click here for Awardee's details