Vir Chakra (VrC)
Awardee: L/Nk Bal Bahadur Thapa, VrC
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(uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp)
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Gazette Notification: 55 Pres/91, 26-1-91
Operation: Op Savage (Sikkim)
Date of Award: 26 Jan 1991
While serving in Sri Lanka, Lance Naik Bal Bahadur Thapa volunteered to be the scout of a patrol party. While patrolling along Rasa Veethi on 19 June 1989, he spotted three youth crossing a fence in a suspicious manner. Ever vigilant, Lance Naik Thapa started chasing these men to apprehend them. Seeing that they have been spotted, the suspected militants jumped over the fence and started running in different directions. Determined to get the militants, Lance Naik Thapa followed one of them in hot pursuit. Realising that Lance Naik Thapa was pursuing him very closely, the militant tried to evade capture by lobbing a grenade, which exploded in front of Lance Naik Thapa. Undaunted by the explosion of the grenade, Lance Naik Thapa continued to chase the militant who was now joined by another militant. The militants opened up with AK-47 rifles and brought a heavy volume of automatic fire on Lance Naik Thapa. Undeterred by the fire, Lance Naik Thapa returned the fire with his rifle and killed one militant instantly. Subsequently, search of the person of the dead militant resulted in recover of two cyanide capsules, two micro cassettes containing incriminating material and rupees 3,14,663 in Sri Lankan currency. However, in the exchange of fire, Lance Naik Thapa was seriously injured and he succumbed to his injuries.
Lance Naik Bal Bahadur Thapa, thus, displayed conspicuous courage, bravery and valour in the face of the militants in total disregard of his personal safety.
Click here for Awardee's details