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Awards @ TWDI
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Courage, above all things, is the first quality of a warrior.
- Karl von Clausewitz

What is Happening

A meeting of the War Decorated Trust was held on Thursday at Chandigarh. The following Trustees were present:

  • Brig Sant Singh, MVC** (in the Chair)
  • Brig NS Sandhu, MVC
  • Brig KS Chandpuri, MVC, VSM
  • Capt Reet MP Singh, VrC

Discussion centered around passing the audited accounts for the year 2012-2013 and the Scholarship Scheme of the Trust.




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Awardee Name: Service: Medal:
Name: Gp Capt (Buzz) Aruna Kumar Datta (now deceased)
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 17 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 92 Pres/72, 29-7-72
During the operations against Pakistan in December 1971, Flight Lieutenant Aruna Kumar Datta flew several operational missions. On 12 December, while he was escorting a strike mission, the leader of the mission spotted two
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Name: Flt Lt A Sri Hari
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: Op Savage (Sikkim)
Date of Award: 20 Nov 1950
Gazette Notification: 14 Pres 50, 20-11-50
(No Citation)
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Name: Wg Cdr Abdul Nasir Hanfee (retd)
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1987 Pawan Sri Lanka
Date of Award: 27 Sep 1987
Gazette Notification: 23 Pres/89,26.1.89
On 23 September 1987, Flight Lieutenant Abdul Nasir Hanfee was launched in Siachen area to assist the Army. Taking off in a short time, he undertook the much needed Army support missions in the area. At a time when all Indian forward posts were under attack and the demand for
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Name: Air Mrshl Adi Rustomji Ghandhi
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1965 Riddle
Date of Award: 06 Sep 1965
Gazette Notification: 131 Pres/65, 10.5.65
On 6 September 1965, Flying Officer Adi Rustomji Ghandhi was number two in a section of two aircraft on a combat air patrol sortie over Halwara. Two other aircraft were also airborne on the same mission for mutual cover. Suddenly four Pakistani F-86 aircraft sneaked in low to attack the
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Name: AVM Aditya Vikram Pethia (retd)
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 05 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 37 Pres 73,16-6-73
During the operations against Pakistan in December 1971, Flight Lieutenant Aditya Vikram Pethia served with a fighter bomber squadron in the Western Sector. On 5 December, he was detailed as a leader of tactical reconnaissance mission over Chistian Mandi to seek and destroy enemy
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Name: Sqn Ldr Ajay Ahuja
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: Op Savage (Sikkim)
Date of Award: 01 Jan 1999
Gazette Notification: 113Pres/98,15-8-99
Leader Ajay Ahuja was the Flight Commander of MIG-21 Squadron inducted into Srinagar as part of "Operation Safed Sagar" in Kargil. On 27 May 1999, he was tasked to lead a two aircraft mission for photoreconnaissance of enemy position in the
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Name: AVM Ajit Singh Lamba
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1965 Riddle
Date of Award: 01 Sep 1965
Gazette Notification: 15 Pres. 66,1-1-66
As a Hunter pilot, Squadron Leader Ajit Singh Lamba flew a total of 15 operational sorties, 11 in close support of the army in the Kasur and Lahore Sectors. He showed great skill and determination in seeking out enemy targets and pressing home his attacks in spite of
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Name: Sqn Ldr Ajjamada Bopayya Devayya
Award: Mahavir Chakra (MVC)
Operation: 1987 Pawan Sri Lanka
Date of Award: 26 Jan 1988
Gazette Notification: 36 Pres/88,26.1.88
Squadron Leader Aijamada Bopayya Deyayya flew in a Mystere aircraft as a member of strike formation that was assigned the task of attacking the heavily defended Sargodha airfield in Pakistan at 0555 hours on 7 September 1965. All members of the mission except Squadron Leader
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Name: Gp Capt Ajoy Kumar Majumdar
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1965 Riddle
Date of Award: 20 Sep 1965
Gazette Notification: 133 Pres/65, 22-9-65
On 20 September 1965, as leader of a section of two Gnat aircraft, Flight Lieutenant Ajoy Kumar Majumdar was ordered to "scramble" along with two Hunter aircraft for patrol duty over the Lahore Sector. The section was surprised by four enemy Sabre jet aircraft. Acting with
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Name: Air Cmde Alfred Tyrone Cooke
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1965 Riddle
Date of Award: 07 Sep 1965
Gazette Notification: 131 Pres/65, 10.5.65
On 7 September 1965 when the Kalaikunda airfield was under attack by six Pakistani Sabre jet aircraft, Flight Lieutenant Alfred Tyrone Cooke, who was leading two of our aircraft on combat air patrol, immediately led the aircraft to intercept them. Although our own
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Name: Gp Capt Allan Albert D'Costa (now deceased)
Award: Mahavir Chakra (MVC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 04 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 20 Pres/72,12-2-72
On 4 December 1971, Wing Commander A.A. D'Costa, the commanding officer of a fighter bomber squadron, was the first to strike at the enemy's Risalwala airfield. Next day he led a mission to Christian Mandi and destroyed three tanks. The following day he led an attack on a concentration
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Name: Gp Capt Allan David Alley
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 06 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 92 Pres/72,27-1-72
During the operations against Pakistan in December 1971 as flight commander of fighter bomber squadron, Squadron Leader Allan David Alley flew 15 operational missions in close support of our ground forces, interdiction and
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Name: Wg Cdr Amarjeet Singh Kullar
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1965 Riddle
Date of Award: 07 Sep 1965
Gazette Notification: 15 Pres. 66,1-1-66
On 6 September 1965, Flight Lieutenant Amarjeet Singh Kullar flew in a four-aircraft formation, which destroyed a supply train at Raiwind railway station. The train was carrying ammunition badly needed by the enemy forces in the Kasur region. The denial of this vital supply was a major
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Name: Wg Cdr Amarjit Singh Sandhu
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1965 Riddle
Date of Award: 18 Sep 1965
Gazette Notification: 133 Pres/65, 22-9-65
Squadron Leader Amarjit Singh Sandhu was the flight commander of an operational squadron, which was assigned the task of establishing our air superiority over the Pathankot region during the operations against Pakistan. He flew repeated missions in the Chhamb Sector and over the
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Name: Flt Lt Andre Rudolph Da Costa
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 04 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 79 Pres/72,17-6-72
On 4 December 1971, Flight Lieutenant Andre Rudolph Da Costa flew an offensive sortie in Lal Munirhat in the Rangpur Sector. After successfully strafing Army targets, he attacked a goods train south of Lal Munirhat Bridge when he was hit. Although he
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Name: Gp Capt Anil Kumar Bhadra
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 17 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 92 Pres/72,27-1-72
During the operations against Pakistan in December 1971, Squadron Leader Anil Kumar Bhadra as flight commander of a bomber squadron carried out and led night bombing missions deep into enemy territory and attacked vital and heavily defended
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Name: Wg Cdr Anil Kumar Sinha
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: Op Savage (Sikkim)
Date of Award: 15 Aug 1999
Gazette Notification: 113Pres/98,15-8-99
Wing Commander Anil Kumar Sinha was the Commanding Officer of a MT-17 helicopter unit. On 28 May 1999 he was tasked to lead a four aircraft formation to fly a live air-to-ground rocket attack, on feature 5140 located on the Tololing ridge. The enemy, located on this ridge, was bringing
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Name: Air Cmde Anthony Ignatius Kenneth Suares
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: Op Savage (Sikkim)
Date of Award: 26 Jan 1950
Gazette Notification: 2 Pres 50, 26-1-50
(No Citation)
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Name: Air Cmde Anthony Ignatius Kenneth Suares
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1961 Vijay - Goa Liberation
Date of Award: 06 Dec 1961
Gazette Notification:
Wing Commander Anthony Ignatius Kenneth Suares was commanding officer ofthe Canberra unit operating with the UN forces in the Congo. On 6 December 1961, he and his navigator, Flight Lieutenant Takle, were on an air-to-ground enabling operations strafing sortie against an enemy
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Name: Sqn Ldr Anthony Louis mousinho
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1965 Riddle
Date of Award: 01 Sep 1965
Gazette Notification: 15 Pres. 66,1-1-66
During the operations against Pakistan, Squadron Leader Anthony Louis Mousinho, flight commander of an operational fighter reconnaissance squadron, led his section on 11 missions against enemy ground positions and pressed home the attacks with courage and determination against
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Name: Gp Capt Apramjeet Singh
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 08 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 37 Pres 73,16-6-73
During the India-Pakistan conflict of December 1971, Flight Lieutenant Apramjeet Singh flew 21 operational sorties consisting of escort and sweep missions deep inside enemy territory. On 8 December 1971, while flying as No. 2 in the Chhamb Sector, his
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Name: Wg Cdr Arnold Sochindranath Williams
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1962 Leg Horn
Date of Award: 12 Oct 1962
Gazette Notification: 71 Pres. 62,12-11-62
On 12 October 1962, Squadron Leader Arnold Sochindranath Williams flew several sorties in a helicopter by day and night to evacuate casualties from forward posts in NEFA. Later on 20.0ctober 1962, he was ordered to find out the position prevailing at one
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Name: MWO & Hony Flt Lt Arullappa Thomas
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: Op Savage (Sikkim)
Date of Award: 15 Feb 1949
Gazette Notification: 2 Pres 50, 26-1-50
(No Citation)
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Name: Gp Capt Arun Kanti Mukherjee
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 17 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 75 Pres/72, 17-6-72
During the hostilities with Pakistan, Wing Commander Arun Kanti Mukherjee was commanding a tactical flying unit. He undertook a number of operational sorties and attacked heavily defended enemy airbases. Due to his sound planning, all the tasks allotted to his
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Name: Gp Capt Arun Laxman Deoskar
Award: Vir Chakra (VrC)
Operation: 1971 Cactus Lily
Date of Award: 08 Dec 1971
Gazette Notification: 92 Pres/72, 29-7-72
During operations against Pakistan in December 1971, Flight Lieutenant Arun Laxman Deoskar was a pilot in a fighter bomber squadron. He carried out a day counter air mission on any enemy airfield deep inside enemy territory and destroyed two aircraft on
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PVC : 21
MVC : 219
VrC : 1317
Air Force : 224
Army : 1249
BSF : 13
Civillian : 3
CRPF : 1
Navy : 67

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