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Executive Committee Meeting @ TWDI
Search awardees database :  

When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend.
- U.S. Marine Corps

What is Happening

A meeting of the War Decorated Trust was held on Thursday at Chandigarh. The following Trustees were present:

  • Brig Sant Singh, MVC** (in the Chair)
  • Brig NS Sandhu, MVC
  • Brig KS Chandpuri, MVC, VSM
  • Capt Reet MP Singh, VrC

Discussion centered around passing the audited accounts for the year 2012-2013 and the Scholarship Scheme of the Trust.



Executive Committee Meeting

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Place: Chandigarh
Dated: 05 Nov 2011 11:00
Type: Executive Meeting



SATURDAY, 05 November, 2011 AT 1100 Hrs





1.        President’s welcome address.

2.        Confirmation of Minutes of Executive Committed Meeting held on 02 April 2011

3.        Brief presentation of Accounts from 01 April 2011 to 31 October 2011.

4.        How can the expenses on EC meetings be cut? Economy on food & accommodation.

5.        State directors to elucidate on their brief achievements/activities so far; as well as their future plans.

6.        The difficulties being faced by the State Directors in motivating, and prompting, their State Governments to accept the demands of the War Decorated. The solutions as suggested by the respective State Directors.

7.        Any help required from The War Decorated India.

8.        The desirability of holding EC Meetings every six months. Should this be dispensed with and we revert back to one Executive Committee meeting per annum – on the 1st Friday of every November.

9.        Getting Income Tax Exemption for War Decorated India.

10.      Need to find a replacement for the Secretary General, and make the new incumbent an understudy so that no void is created when he quits in 2013.

11.      Requirement to enroll more members. Who all can help?

12.      Need of inviting Chief Minister of other States to the Triennial as well as at Executive Committee Meetings.

13.      Appointment of State Director of Haryana.

14.      To pass a resolution to the affect that the State Director should originally belong, and should have been originally enrolled, from the State which he is representing.

15.      Requirement of a Home Office for the President, with furniture and a helper, to provide Secretarial Support at Chandigarh. Total Cost: Capital - ` 35000.00 (covers a computer, printer and a filing cabinet) & Recurring expenditure of ` 5000.00 per month.

16.      To determine the date of the TNCR - 2013

17.      A presentation by the Secretary General - “Making Live” of the War Decorated India & Trust website.

18.      Any other point with the permission of the Chair.



Captain Reet MP Singh, VrC (Retd)

Secretary General


Minutes of the Executive Committee meeting

held at punjab bhawan, sector-3, chandigarh

on saturday, The 5th day of November, 2011


The following were present:


1.  Brig N.S. Sandhu, MVC (NSS)                         -         President (in the Chair)

2.  Maj Gen LS Lehl, PVSM, VrC (LSL)                           -         Vice President (Army)

3.  Air Marshal Randhir Singh, PVSM, AVSM, VrC (RS)      -         Vice President (IAF)

4.  Lt Col HIS Dhaliwal, VrC (HIS)                       -         Treasurer

5.  Brig Amarjit Singh Brar, VrC (ASB)                           -         State Director (Punjab)

6.  Brig Manjit Singh, MVC (MS)                          -         State Director (CH)

7.  Brig BS Mankotia, MVC (BSM)                        -         State Director (Himachal)

8.  Brig KS Chandpuri, MVC, VSM (KSC)               -         State Director (Punjab)

9.  Brig JK Tomar, VrC (JKT)                                      -         State Director (U.P.)

10. Col (Dr) Virender K Sahi, VrC (VKS)                          -         State Director (J & K)

11. Brig RK Singh, MVC (RKS)                                      -         Special Invitee (U.P.)

12. Capt. Reet MP Singh, VrC (RMP)                     -         Secretary General


The following business was transacted:

           NSS welcomed all delegates from various states. He, however, regretted that not many delegates had been able to come this time.

         NSS started by giving a brief outline of the day's programme. NSS elucidated that lunch for the day had been organised by the Hon'ble Minister for Defence Services Welfare (Punjab) Capt Balbir Singh Bath (BSB); who will also make The War Decorated website "live" - a formal launch of the website. NSS said that in the evening there is a meeting of the Punjab awardees with the Hon'ble Chief Minister Punjab, Sardar Parkash Singh Badal; who has also called his senior bureaucrats to be present so that on the spot decisions could be taken. NSS said that a Memorandum has been prepared and the same was in the folders give to the directors.

         NSS briefed all present about the points contained in the Memorandum which is attached along with minutes of the meeting.

 After this the Agenda Points were taken up:

 Passing of the Minutes of the last EC meeting held on 02 April, 2011

         RMP said that the Minutes had already been circulated and the same formed a part of the folder given to all present at the meeting. He requested that in case there were any points about the Minutes, the same may be pointed out otherwise the Minutes be approved and passed.

         HIS proposed and NSS seconded that the Minutes be approved.

 Presentation of Accounts - The War Decorated India

         HIS said that the War Decorated India (WDI) had 8,86,392.42 in the bank. NSS mentioned that WDI had only about Rs. 3 Lacs in the bank at the beginning of the year. The increase of funds has been due to donations received recently.

 Frequency of Executive Committee Meetings:

         The utility of having a meeting once in every 6 months was discussed in the light of the economy, participation of various delegates from states and the lack of agenda points. It was decided that such meetings should be held on as required basis at Chandigarh.

         NSS said he had made very serious efforts to reduce the expenditure in all spheres. He said that the last EC meeting had cost around Rs. 30,000.00 while the present one may not cost even Rs. 5,000.00. NSS said that the meeting hall, lunch and accommodation was by courtesy of the Minister for Defence Services Welfare, Punjab Capt Balbir Singh Bath (BSB). He further said that as far as dinner is concerned he had requested the Chief Minister, Punjab, Shri Parkash Singh Badal who had very kindly agreed to host it. NSS further said that he had managed to get transport from the Punjab Government free of cost. NSS explained that the last time a room rent of approximately Rs. 1,000.00 for each room was paid while this time it was going to cost only Rs. 300.00 per room.

 Requirement of a Secretariat and office at Chandigarh

         For efficient and prompt correspondence regarding WDI and WDT, the requirement of establishing Secretariat/office at Chandigarh was discussed. The need of having an office at Chandigarh was unanimously agreed to. It was further decided that the office accommodation free of cost be explored by NSS for the office of WDI and WDT.

        RMP suggested a capital expenditure of Rs. 50,000.00 for setting up a computer, printer, filing cabinets, office furniture and other consumables like stationary, tonners for printer etc. be approved and a recurring expenditure of Rs. 5,000.00 as salary for steno-typist/computer operator be sanctioned and it was unanimously resolved that since a large portion of correspondence will also relate to the War Decorated Trust. The amount may be spent out of the trust funds.

Meeting with the Chief Minister, Punjab

        RMP expressed his difficulty in continuing as the Secretary General of the War Decorated India. He said he was not quitting immediately but will try to continue in the shoes of the Secretary General till the 2013 Triennial National Convention-cum-Reunion. But he felt that it was important that someone becomes familiar with the nitty gritty of running the show and gains experience before he gets into the saddle. NSS agreed with RMP's contention. He said that he will consult other members to find a suitable replacement for the Secretary General.

        RMP said that there was need to enroll more members and 100% if possible. He said that we had the most logical, and nominal, fee structure in the world. NSS requested all State Directors to help in enrolling more awardees.

        At this stage Mr. Davinder Singh Sandhu f/o 2/Lt Rajeev Sandhu, MVC joined the meeting. NSS informed all present that Mr. Sandhu had donated all his property to the Assam Regiment to which his son belonged. All present welcomed Mr. Sandhu with loud applause.

        Taking up the next point RMP said that it was important to have a functional State Director in every State. He pointed out the case of the Haryana State Director, Col Jatinder Kumar, VrC, who had literally 'disappeared' from the scene.

         On the matter of seeking exemption from paying Income Tax RMP explained that while an exemption existed for the Trust income there was no such exemption for the War Decorated India. Against a suggestion that an exemption be sought now for War Decorated India RMP said that as per his opinion such a move may not be prudent at this stage as we might be asked to produce old accounts and pay tax on them. HIS was asked to go into the details in consultation with the CA.

 VIII Triennial National Convention-cum-Reunion

         The dates for holding the Convention-cum-Reunion were discussed. After all pros and cons it was unanimously agreed that the TNCR be held in the first week of March, 2013. However, it was left up to the president and three Vice Presidents to determine the exact dates and place for this TNCR and to inform the Secretary General well in time to issue notices regarding the same.

 Pension of Widows:

         VKS pointed out that at present the pension that a widow is eligible to receive passes on to two categories: 1. Eldest child if he/she is below 21 years of age otherwise to the daughters or handicapped children for lifetime. The Gallantry Decoration Allowance which is a part of pension is not passed on. He regretted that he had passed on this point twice earlier also but it appeared to him that it was not pressed earnestly. LSL ordered RMP to make a draft and said he will get in touch with the AG on this subject.

 Memento to Brig Sant Singh, MVC** ex President:

         KSC said that as we were giving a memento to Brig Sant Singh, MVC** we should also present a memento to the Ist President of the organisation, Brig Sukhdev Singh, VrC, MC. KSC exhorted that there should not be a disparity among Presidents and mementos should be presented to all Presidents. After an animated discussion RS said he will donate Rs 25000.00 for a memento to be presented to Brig Sukhdev Singh, VrC, MC. LSL said he would like to share ½ of the total amount of Rs. 25,000.00. It was agreed that both RS & LSL will pay Rs. 12,500.00 each towards presenting a memento to Brig Sukhdev Singh, VrC, MC.

         At this point the Punjab Minister for Defence Services Welfare,    Capt Balbir Singh Bath walked in and the proceedings of the meeting were halted. All delegates were introduced to the Minister. While welcoming the minister NSS said he was most considerate gentleman and understood the problems that were being faced not only by the Gallantry Award Winners but ex-serviceman at large. NSS said it was courtesy Capt Balbir Singh Bath that we were sitting in Punjab Bhawan and he had also helped us to arrange for the accommodation as well. Capt Balbir Singh Bath was also the host for the lunch NSS said.

 Making live of the War Decorated India Website:

         RMP introduced the War Decorated India and Trust Website to all those present. He explained the contents of the Website which he said will include the number, name, unit, address, telephone, date of award, gazette notification, citation etc. of the awardees. He said he was proud to announce that this was a unique venture and maybe the only website of its kind in the world which will contain details of the families of the awardees as well. RMP said that the WDI was keen to maintain close contact with the families of even those awardees who had passed away. At this stage a question was posed as to why was such a detailed information required about the awardees? He said that the Website was an attempt to keep the memory of all awardees alive. We do not want the awardees to fade away into oblivion. The aim is to keep alive the memory of all awardees in times to come. RMP further elucidated that Agenda and Minutes of all Triennial National Convention-cum-Reunions and Executive Committee meetings of the War Decorated India will be available on the Website.

 Gratitude & Thanks:

         RMP expressed his gratitude to Mr. S. S. Gandhi, the author of the book: "Portraits of Valour" RMP acknowledged the help received from   Mr. S. S. Gandhi in compiling the date for the website, RMP also thanked Mr. Kirti Singh who had made the War Decorated Website and that too for peanuts. RMP praised Mr. Kirti Singh's patience that he so very willingly made modifications and sometimes even had to change the basic structure of the website as well. He also appreciated efforts put in by Shri Jagjeet Singh who had done a major job of data input. RMP also thanked SS, NSS and the whole Executive Committee for the unending encouragement they provided. RMP requested that any discrepancy noticed in the Website maybe pointed out so that we may make corrections. He also informed the members that it will take another six months to complete data input.

         Capt Balbir Singh Bath suggested that the family background of the awardees should also be included in the website so that the visitors come to know more about the awardees. He made a special mention of NSS who he said comes from a distinguished family of defence personnel. 

         The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.

        The Minutes have been duly scrutinised, modified, qualified and approved by the President, Brig NS Sandhu, MVC.

             Being circulated by Secretary General under orders from the President.



Action Taken Report:



PVC : 21
MVC : 219
VrC : 1317
Air Force : 224
Army : 1249
BSF : 13
Civillian : 3
CRPF : 1
Navy : 67

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