Vir Chakra (VrC)
Awardee: Hony Lt Gopal Singh Gusain, VrC
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Gazette Notification: 56 Pres 63, 22-7-63
Operation: 1962 Leg Horn
Date of Award: 17 Nov 1962
On 17 November 1962, the Chinese attacked a company position ofGarhwal Rifles near the Nuranang bridge in NEFA. Naik Trilok Singh Negi was commanding a section of which Rifleman G.S. Gusain was a member. The enemy succeeded in bringing a medium machine gun very close to the company locality and started heavy fire. Realising that the position would soon become untenable if the enemy MMG were not destroyed forthwith, Lance Naik. Negi, Rifleman Gusain and another rifleman volunteered to go and destroy it. They crawled forward at the risk of being hit by our own as well as enemy fire and reached within 10 yards of the enemy gun.
While Lance Naik. Negi gave covering fire with his sten gun, Rifleman Chain and the other rifleman hurled grenades on the enemy MMG. As the grenades exploded, the two riflemen rushed towards the MMG. They found two Chinese lying dead and another badly wounded but holding thc MMG. They overpowered him, snatched the MMG and started returning to their own position. While covering the return of the two riflemen, Lance Naik. Negi was badly wounded by a burst of enemy automatic fire. He continued covering his comrades until he succumbed to his injuries, while the other rifleman got killed. Rifleman G.S. Gusain, though wounded, managed to enter a trench and was later evacuated.
In this action, both Naik Negi and Rifleman Gusain displayed commendable courage and a high sense of duty in the best traditions of the Army.
Click here for Awardee's details