Vir Chakra (VrC)
Awardee: Maj Gautam Shasikumar Khot, VrC
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Gazette Notification: 63 Pres/2000, 26.1.2000
Operation: Vijay - Kargil
Date of Award: 26 Jan 2000
Major Gautam Shasikumar Khot moved to 'Operation Vijay' area on 5 July 1999. In a short span of time, he had flown almost 70 hours, piloting helicopters in difficult high altitude areas in trying weather conditions, landing at unprepared helipads and saving many lives of his comrades at arms. He successfully delivered ammunition and essential loads under heavy enemy shelling to the troops in contact with the enemy, thereby raising the morale of own troops and helping them in delivery of extra punch.
On 19 June 1999, he along with another officer, evacuated six casualties and delivered essential load at Tololing Top on a makeshift helipad barely 2x2 metres in size at an altitude of 14,500 AMSL under heavy enemy shelling and direct firing weapons from the nearby areas. On 5 July 1999, as captain of a helicopter, he was tasked to carry out air maintenance at Bakarwal. He carried out two air maintenance sorties and evacuated four personnel from Mashkoh, which was under heavy enemy shelling.
On 9 July 1999, he carried out nine air maintenance sorties, providing a Para Brigade with much required ammunition for progress of operations in the Mashkoh valley, under enemy's observation and heavy artillery fire. He displayed his professional skills and sheer valour in carrying out the dangerous mission. He evacuated two casualties from Mashkoh from an area, which was under heavy enemy fire and saved two more human lives. In accomplishing the missions, Major Khot flew with utter disregard to the inclement weather in high altitude area as also the danger to his own life so as to save the lives of his comrades.
Major Gautam Shasikumar Khot displayed valour and gallantry in carrying out the dangerous tasks amidst heavy enemy shelling.
Click here for Awardee's details