Vir Chakra (VrC)
Awardee: Brig Varinder Singh, VrC
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(uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp)
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Gazette Notification: 35 Pres/88, 22.1.88
Operation: Op Savage (Sikkim)
Date of Award: 26 Jan 1988
The adversary taking advantage of bad weather during the middle of April, 1987, established themselves on a dominating feature, 'Left Shoulder', in the Siachen Glacier area and started firing with machine guns and rocket launchers preventing maintenance both by surface and air of Indian posts in Bilafondla. This created an adverse tactical position. On the night of23 June, 1987, the assault team under Major Varinder Singh managed to make an approach adopting the most difficult route to the 700 feet high vertical ice-wall on the Saltore Ridge and next night negotiated the ice wall and reached just 200 metres from the top.
The advance was resumed at 2100 hours on 25 June 1987 and under intense fire his party managed to capture the bunker after lobbying grenades at 0200 hours on 26 June 1987. It was their third night in the open sub-zero temperature. By 0500 hours, Major Varinder Singh's assault team captured the second bunker after firing twenty rounds of 84 M M Rocket Launcher. He pressed on the attack, providing supporting fire cover while a small party led by Naib Subedar Bana Singh crawled to the last bunker and after a ferocious charge captured it. While mopping up operations were in progress, there was a heavy artillery shelling by the adversary's troops in which the officer was badly wounded. Undeterred by his wounds, Major Varinder Singh assumed control of the Area Top by 1600 hours on 26 June 1987, thus regaining tactical superiority over the adversary. Major Varinder Singh displayed conspicuous courage and valiant leadership in the face of the adversary.
Click here for Awardee's details