Vir Chakra (VrC)
Awardee: Nk Kaushal Yadav, VrC
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Gazette Notification: 63 Pres/2000, 26.1.2000
Operation: Op Savage (Sikkim)
Date of Award: 26 Jan 2000
Naik Kaushal Yadav was the squad commander of No 2 squad of 84 Troop 'BRAVO' team, 9 PARA (Special Forces) which was tasked to capture Zulu Top on 25 July 1999 during 'Operation Vijay'. The objective area was at a height of 5100 meters with no approaches from own side. The sheer vertical slopes made the cliff assault extremely difficult, which was further compounded by minus 15-degree temperature and extensive enemy minefields.
Under such adverse conditions, Naik Kaushal Yadav's squad was tasked to gain a foothold on top of Zulu Top from the Western approach. Using his extraordinary mountaineering skills he led his squad and opened a route for his comrades to follow.
Naik Yadav's squad was on Zulu Top Complex by 0500hrs when from a rocky knob North of Zulu Top Complex his squad came under heavy automatic fire. Realising that the enemy was trying to evict him from his foothold, he personally led his squad from the front in assaulting the well-entrenched enemy. On reaching the enemy fire position he leapt forward towards the enemy with total disregard to his own safety lobbying grenades into their sangars and firing from the hip. The enemy was shocked by the ferocious charge and in a deadly exchange of fire at close quarters, Naik Kaushal Yadav personally killed five enemy soldiers. In the process he too was grievously wounded and made the supreme sacrifice, but his action ensured the capture of Zulu Top.
During the entire action Naik Kaushal Yadav displayed courage, bravery and valour of the highest order. By his supreme sacrifice such beyond the call of duty and in keeping with the finest traditions of the Indian Army, he ensured the success of the entire operation as also saved the lives of his comrades.
Click here for Awardee's details